The Centre for Reformation Studies is an interdisciplinary community devoted to the study of Long Reformation in Eastern Europe. It functions as an independent unit hosted by the Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute for Literary Studies. Its primary aim is to promote the multidisciplinary study of Reformation. In doing so it relies on the concept of Long Reformation not only as a tool of historical periodization, but as a possibility to revisit those cultural, social, theological or literary issues that had been shaping Reformation from 1500 to 1800 in Eastern Europe.

The Centre also serves the international dissemination of the findings of the Hungarian scholarship on Reformation studies. With the intention of contributing to the scholarship, the Centre is responsible for organising workshops and conferences supported by the MTA BTK Lendület Long Reformation in Eastern Europe (1500−1800) project and the REFORC.

Committed to both the significance of this historiographic tradition and its continuing relevance, the Centre is functioning until 2023 as part of the Long Reformation-project and its main task is to increase the extant scholarly network and find new partners for further developing the interdisciplinary study of Long Reformation in Eastern Europe.